2. NY Love Letter Project

Introduction: Please share this short movie!!!

私は写真家Midori S. Inoueです。1990年代、NYを街をあちこち歩きながらNYの人たちを撮り続けました。
「また会おうね」って、心で約束を誓ったあの時のNew Yorkerたちへ、写真を届けたくて、このプロジェクトを始めました。動画をシェアしていただけたら嬉しいです。あの時のNew Yorkerが写っています。きっと、誰かのところに届くと信じています。

写真家 Midori S. Inoue

The Photographer Midori S. Inoue lived in NYC taking pictures of New York daily life in the years 1991 to 2003. Now she is looking for the people in those photos. She’d like to give the photos taken to either the person, family or to anyone who knows the subjects. She feels from her heart that there was an important exchange that happened, both in words and gesture and would love. Once again to see them, to fulfill the promise of having that connection live.
Please share the short film so that it might reach as many people who are in these photos. Midori is hoping the project will spread and become known to residents of NYC, as well as the US.
Everyone is precious, whether you were in these photos or not. I’ve continued to photograph people throughout my travels, the NYC images crucial to my evolution as an artist, and wish to make many more as time unwinds.

Thank you very much New York.
Photographer, Midori S. Inoue

(edited by Carl Keck)

Gallery NY Street Photos